Monday, September 3, 2012

Friends? Nah.

It's so sad when you think you know someone and you find out three decades later you never knew them at all. You only knew the surface, what they wanted you to know, their life was and is a huge secret, I never knew a friendship could be based on a lie. But it happened to me and it can, so if you think you know your friends, the closest of friends, step back just a little and you'll see that you don't. True my heart is broken, but in reality there really wasn't a closeness.. the family's didn't get together and go on vacations, we didn't do dinners, play cards, or anything. Every once in a while we'd get together and do something but it was few and far between. Our lifestyles are TOTAL opposites.... nothing at all in common, true opposites attract and I suppose we did for a while but only a short while. I was told "when you need someone, you won't have anyone, cause you've pushed so many away" I can say if they really wanted to understand me, keep me as a frined, they would have tried a little harder, they wouldn't have just given in like that. So as far as pushing someone away, it didn't take much force. I could have blew them away with one breath, that was the friendship commitment I had. I never want to go through this again, I'm glad I'm rid of them, my list of friends has gotten a lot smaller but as my wise husband has always said "the more friends you have, the more bullshit you have to put up with" And that's so very true.

Monday, July 23, 2012

it's been a while

It's been a while since my last blog.. and I have to say it's somewhat bittersweet to be returning, I had hopes for our book, Lazy Lauren... but nothing, thus far has come of it. Right now, we're living and working and trying to survive... life is crazy and full of ups and downs but I believe one day all of our hard work won't go unrecognized. I myself am in the process of writing a new book, nothing like Lazy Lauren but still in the children's category. I'm also creatively working on something very close to my heart, a kind of memoir, with a little fiction along side, a book that will capture the readers attention and their heart. So with that being said... look out for book number two in the near future... and don't worry it'll never make it to Kickstarter we're beyond that dream now. :) Thanks for reading.

Friday, June 15, 2012


We have 15 days to meet our goal on the Kickstarter project, we will FAIL, but it's alright :). We have had some great responses, great feed back, and some wonderful supporters. We are thankful for our backers, so from the bottom of our hearts, a big thank you to the people that believed in us and backed our project. Giving up on a dream is not what we do.... so you will see more of us. If you follow or progress and this blog, you will know what's going on with N'Lightened Books. Stay tuned folks, something amazing is about to happen.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Positive Thoughts Please

I am trying so hard... well; we're both trying very hard to think positively but it's so darn hard... we've got 18 days to meet our goal and it is draggin on so slow. But like Jody said the other day, "even if Kickstarter doesn't pan out like we had hoped, we will still publish" Probably do a Kindle, Ebook or something I don't know, might be able to do a soft cover and distribute them to local bookstores. I don't know how this works but we're not giving up. So all my fellow crunchy friends, send out your positiveness, we need it desperately, even if for only our sanity. Thank you all so much for helping us spread the word, all your prayers and good energies have been greatly appreciated... We love you from the bottom of our hearts. Peace and Love Y'all

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Comment on our Kickstarter

Per my friend Deidra Smith:
I am strongly encouraging anyone with children to take a look at the video. My daughter absolutely loved it. She even wanted to hear another one. I know times are hard right now, but please think about pledging. Every dollar counts and we need more character building books for our children to read. This series will teach children valuable life lessons. By the end of the story, my daughter was applying the lesson learned to her own situation. I want to see the next book so please help bring this first book to life.

We appreciate all the support and comments like this fill our hearts with joy. :))))

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Feedback is great

I was so pleasantly surprised this afternoon to see another backer on our project... my friend Deidra pledged but it wasn't the money that she pledged that made me shed a little tear, it was the comment she made about the video. She said her daughter wanted to hear another story and then said " if I clean my room right then I don't have to stay in my room all day cleaning." I LOVE THAT!!! 
Let the kids watch it, I believe they'll really enjoy it, minus the illustrations (I am not an artist, god help me) that's what Kickstarter is going to help us with. Happy Reading Everyone.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Confused about Kickstarter and our project???

I believe there is some confusion as to what exactly Kickstarter is... so let me quickly fill you in so you can better understand.
Kickstarter is a new way to fund creative projects.
We believe that:
• A good idea, communicated well, can spread fast and wide.
• A large group of people can be a tremendous source of money and encouragement.
Kickstarter is powered by a unique all-or-nothing funding method where projects must be fully-funded or no money changes hands.

Backers:  How do you pledge?
to pledge a project just click the green "back this project" button on any project page (i.e. our project page :)
You'll be asked to enter your pledge amount and select a reward if any. From there you will go through the Amazon checkout process. Note that you must finish the Amazon checkout process for your pledge to be recorded.
Your card will not be charged unless our project is successfully funded meaning if we meet our goal, that is the only way your card will be charged. If our project doesn't meet the funding goal your card will never be charged. If funding does not succeed backers pay absolutely nothing, zero, zip, nada. If funding is unsuccessful then all pledges are canceled.